It was the first time I can remember, that our entire city just went mad for a pop star. You couldn't flip the radio or television station without hearing his name or seeing his face. I just didn't get it. I guess I never really went through the whole teen idol/crush thing in my childhood, but should adults really be condoning this? Some of these girls are just completely infatuated with him. You watch footage from his concerts and you see girls dry-heaving from crying so hard. But don't worry, her mom is there standing beside her, smiling, wearing an "I heart Justin" shirt, and swaying back and forth enjoying the concert she paid $300 per ticket for in the nosebleed section.
Thanks to Twitter, I was even getting updates on the teen heartthrob's trip to Winnipeg. "OMG just saw Justin's bus in Portage La Prairie..OMG!!!"
Oh well, I guess I just can't and never will catch the "Beav--", "I mean "Bieber Fever".