Saturday, 6 October 2012

How About Some Originality?

This week iLurrned how hard it is to actually find an original idea for a halloween costume. 

With only 25 days to go before the holiday where kids get to do some door-to-door candy panhandling and adults get to dress up and look like either morons or slutty morons, I am realizing once again how difficult it is to find an original custume.  Not only original, but a costume in general.  Last year my girlfriend and I went as Napoleon Dynamite and Deb from the 2004 classic, Napoleon Dynamite.  I know what you're thinking--not that original.  Well I've waited 8 years to to don that costume because the entire three years after that movie was released, there was at least one other person that was wearing that costume at whichever party I was at.  It was a well-seasoned costume for 2011.

This year we've been tossing around many ideas, but none all that original.  The best ones are always the ones where at first you're not actually sure what it is, but once they fill you in you realize "that could be the best thing I've ever seen."  For example, one year my friend painted his face and hands black, wore some all black under armour, black tighs and black shoes, clipped an iPod on his tights with ear buds in his ears, and there you have it--he was an iPod commercial circa 2003.

I've never really been a fan of the all-in-one packaged costume you can get at party stuff or online.  Half the fun in getting your costume is digging through every Value Village in the city to put the thing together. 

Hopefully the next few weeks of brainstorming will be more successful than the first week of October.  We currently have three ideas on the board and I wouldn't call any of them original.  If you have any ideas for great couples costumes let me know, because I'm already burned out!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can find some inspiration over at the Milk Bar, lol PLUG!
